GLUTEN FREE Pancake Pizza

Ohhh Myyyy. I literally ate this entire Vegan & Gluten Free Pancake Pizza between the hours of Breakfast and Lunch! Haha! I actually preferred it way better than a stack because it was soooo much easier to eat and to add toppings! I can’t even begin to tell you how delicious it was! My mouth is salivating simply typing (and thinking) about it ♥ Gives Pancake Sunday a brand new meaning in my books.

pancake pizza

♥ Vegan & Gluten Free Pancake Pizza ♥

I used a 9″ inch non stick frying pan for this recipe * Ingredients of this recipe can be easily modified, please scroll to the bottom to read how

♥ Pancake Ingredients & Method ♥

1 Cup Gluten Free Self Raising Flour 1 1/4 Cups Almond Milk 1 Medium sized Freshly Mashed Banana 3 TBS Rice Malt Syrup 1 TSP Ground Cinnamon 1 TSP Vanilla Essence 2 TSP Coconut Oil (for the pan)

1. Put all ingredients into a bowl and use a whisk to combine. 2. Put coconut oil on pan, turn onto a low – medium heat. 3. When hot, pour entire mixture into the centre of the pan and make sure it spreads evenly across whole pan. (do this quickly!!!) 4. Turn on the oven grill. 5. When the pancake has started to bubble and is coming off the sides easily, place the pan into the reheated oven, under the grill and let it cook the top ( this way you don’t need to flip it and make a huge mess everywhere). 6. When the top is browned, take out the pan (make sure the handle isn’t hot!!!!) 7. It’s best to let it cool in the pan, but if you’re hungry and impatient like me, flip it onto a plate/platter/board or whatever you plan to present it on. No moving it from here! Time to make the chocolate!

♥ Pancake Ingredients & Method ♥

3 TBS Melted Coconut Oil 3 TBS Rice Malt Syrup 3 TBS Raw Cacao Powder

** Remember this is an estimate as I didn’t measure.

1. Put all ingredients into a bowl and use dessert sized spoon to mix it together. The mixture should be shiny and thick. If it’s not shiny add a little more melted coconut oil. If it’s not thick enough add more cacao or rice malt. Play around with it, you will know. Taste it to make sure you like the flavour. It should be like dark chocolate, but not bitter. YUM! 2. Slowly spoon the chocolate into the centre of the pancake and spread it around the pancake using a circular motion with the back of the spoon. Leave a 1cm edge to symbolise the “crust”.

♥ Fruit ♥

This is totally up to you! Choose whatever fruit you want to decorate your pizza with! I just used what I could easily access from my fridge; banana, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi fruit, orange and fig. I cut them into different shapes to give the pizza a nice pattern. Randomly place them on the chocolate coated pancake pizza base.

♥ Peanut Butter Drizzle Ingredients & Method ♥

1 TBS Natural Peanut Butter 1 TBS Rice Malt Syrup 1/4 Cup Almond Milk 1. Mix all ingredients together until it combines and form a runny drizzle. 2. Use a spoon to roughly drizzle the mixture over the pizza. 3. Pizza is ready to slice up and eat! TIP: I found that the drizzle covered the fruit and I lost a lot of colour, so I took off some fruit, drizzled the mixture over the pizza and then added some fruit on top again. This way not all of the colour was lost!

* How you could modify the ingredients:

Flour – Plain Flour with 1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder – if you don’t have a gluten intolerance/allergy you can use flour with gluten

Almond Milk – you can use what ever milk you choose dairy or non dairy

Rice Malt Syrup – you could replace this with honey, maple syrup or agave (just keep in mind that these 3 natural sweeteners are much sweeter than Rice Malt Syrup, so use less of it)



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